Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1773.10.14

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Index Entry Actor, Storer, Miss, in lyric [beg] Genius of harmony! descend 
Location Annapolis 
14 Oct 1773:41 (1466)
Genius of harmony! descend,
In all thy smiles appear,
And, pleas'd, thy Storer's voice attend;
For her's thou lov'st to hear:
Bid ev'ry ruder sound remove,
Bid care, bid sorrow fly,
Let nought be near, but list'ning love,
And heart-felt exstacy.
For now thy Storer wakes the lay--
And, mistress of the heart,
Does, with our yielding passions play,
Submissive to her art.
'Tis her's to lead the mind along,
With love's own ardors warm;
Her's, all the various pow'rs of song;
All musick's magic charm.
. . . [2 1/2 more verses, last four lines:]
Sweet Harmonist! prolong the strain
The melody of heav'n;
And soothe with songs, the tender pain,
Thy tender songs have giv'n---
[signed] Philomelos.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1773.10.14 
Publisher Green, Anne Catharine and Son [Frederick Green] 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0019950
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